More on RMBI

Brainspotting uses a Mind/Body approach to psychotherapy and is effective in identifying, processing and releasing deep neurophysiological sources of physical and emotional pain caused by trauma and stress. Upsetting memories are stored deep within the brain and the body. BSP helps to release these stressors because it works from the deeper level of the autonomic nervous system and within the limbic system in the brain.  It is possible to release trauma from either a distressed or calm place in the body. The power of BSP is that one does not necessarily have to relive the traumatic event at the same level of intensity as the original trauma. Because of this, it is possible to resolve the trauma in a more controlled manner. Trauma and stress can often overwhelm the nervous system. With the support of the therapist, BSP helps the client to discharge the trauma and calm the nervous system.

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The Rocky Mountain Brainspotting Institute (RMBI) is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization that was created to promote and advance the use of Brainspotting, a brain-body treatment approach.

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